Thursday, September 25, 2014


First of all, I have chosen a video which shows the positive and the negative impact of
technologies in our lives. I am going to concentrate only on the positive ones (just the first minute).

I think that it is important to give a definition of the idea of progress because the video is based on it. It defends the theory that advances in the sectors of technologyscience and social organization can produce an improvement in the human condition. People can become happier in terms of quality of life (social progress), through economic development (modernization), and the application of science and technology (scientific progress). 
In fact, we can see all this improvement in the video. 

We discussed in class all the negative points of high technology, but technologies have a very important impact on the world and can produce radical changes in our daily life, our way of living, communicating or seeing the world. There have been so much progress during the 21st century.

Social progress: democracy in several countries (certainly not enough), freedom to think, express freely our opinions, human and women's rights have evolve and this has reduced the differences between women and men, not in all countries but in many of them Homosexual marriage has been accepted in many countries and by many societies.
Each person has the right
 to believe in what they want. The world is facing globalization and constant development, the principal  barriers of borders have disappeared, from now on we can find people of different nationalities in almost all countries, people can travel
everywhere all around the world People mingle, countries have developed and with them technology. We can see in the video that travelling has become very easy, which contributes to our comfort. All these means of transportation to move in a country, city (train, subway) or
to be able to travel at the other end of the world very fast (plane). All these progress favour the variety, mixture of the cultures, Languages are not any more a barrier in communication because more and more people know more than one language, often three... We are more and more educated. Education is more and more accessible to everybody. Furthermore, the video shows that new technologies are a means of learning that can be very effective.

We also see in the video a girl who plays with a windmill, which can make us think about renewable energies which are a very impressive technical progress. All these energies, who are going to save our lives and will allow the world to continue to live normally after the end of our fossil fuels. It helps to slow down climate changes. It also shows one of the most important progress according to me: the medical one. Indeed, we have discovered numerous vaccines, many cures to diseases which seemed incurable , the expectancy of life has never been so high. Medicines saved numerous 
people and continue to do it every day. Nothing more important than the health for the human being... 

In this video, we can see that the little boy has an "electric" leg that allows him to do activities like other boys who are the same age. He can practice really simple activities like running, practicing sport, walking and it would be very hard for this boy if he did not have this leg. Thanks to the technologies, he will have a common life like
all other boys. Except the fact that he does not have a real leg. Technology has the "power" to help needy people, because we can also see a man who lost his view. Thanks to medicine he is able to differenciate colors. The discovery of the world, with the help of all this progress, we can travel in our universe, that can improve our competence as far as concerned life and for our future. It is just fantastic! We discovered other planets, from the ignorant man in his planet to a generation of discovery. Now we can travel to space, universe... Man is also able to know how the moon will be in a few years or the weather for the next five days...

Communication became international. Everybody can speak with all the people in the world. Have the possibilities to see each other, speak all these things can be done even if we are in another part of the world. Social networks allow to keep in touch, share, maintain relations and this despite the distance. We can share videos, photos and opinions. We can express ourselves and inquire about everything that happened. With all these technological devices we do not need newspapers any more, we can receive all the news live thanks to smartphone. The advantage is that we are always connected with the whole world. The
exchange of information is really active, more and more technology makes us an easier life and allows us to communicate in every situation

In conclusion, all the innovations and ideas of progress make a better society, more developed, and always active. Our life style is changing and we can become more productive by using technologies devices.


  1. Sir, I am sorry I had a problem with the uploading of my video. So, I had to create a new post in order to upload it. Thank you

  2. OK Inés.
    Now please get fully prepared and be ready for an oral presentation of this Post on Wednesday 10/01/2014
