Tuesday, April 21, 2015


First of all, this is a cartoon drawn by St Louis Post. There are 3 characters in an island: " Cayman Islands." 2 of them are sitting on the boat which is called "Believin In America" and the other one is standing in front of them next to them with a box full of money.
We can guess tha the main character is Mitt Romney because of the name written on the box. He is an American politician and businessman who was the Republican Party's nominee for President of the United States in the 2012 election. And his gran-children because they are calling him "granpa."
The situation is very ironic because Romney is telling his gran-children how to keep their money in other to become richer and to not paying taxes. To this, he explain that you have to offshore. The others characters are looking at him with admiration and replies that he's "so smart" and that he should be the president. The cartoon criticize and satirize of the American politicians because of the name of the boat first of all "believin in America" and  then because he's getting himself his money away from the country. We can also see two others countries: Bermuda and Switerzland. 
To counclude it criticize also the hypocrisie and the selfishness of rich people which always want to get more and more money.

The second cartoon is about outsourcing. We can see 2 characters one is explaining to the other that they have to move to another country and when he asks why, the character answered that the workers wanted to get paid as if it was something not normal.
This cartoon shows another way to "save" money from the economy. But this time it is about the non-respect of human rights and the explotation of poor people in poor countries. So it criticize the fact that they prefer to "abuse" of the workers who didn't have workers right's in other to paye them much less and have more money. 
It shows the hypocrisie of the US which take profit offshoring and outsourcing to keep their money to themself and to steal money from other poor countries. 

We can relate these cartoons with the notion spaces and exchanges. In fact,we can notice that the money is been carry from a country to another. There is an economical exchange.